This report was written to establish a baseline of data, historical insights, and policy recommendations that can help local leaders develop actionable strategies to build Black wealth in Atlanta. If nothing else is taken from this report, let the key learning be that Atlanta’s policies and programs must approach the racial wealth divide using the structural determinants of Black wealth framework. Building the beloved economy requires bold, data-informed and community-led approaches to counteract centuries of harm that have produced the Black wealth outcomes Atlanta grapples with today amid a growing resistance to race-explicit policies.

No single solution will be a catch-all for fixing Atlanta’s widening racial wealth divide. But a bold commitment to addressing Black wealth can set the City on the right path to prosperity for all. Understanding the data and reforming Atlanta policies and budget investments to expand access to wealth-building vehicles can put the City on the right path to help all Black Atlantans achieve greater wealth and freedom.

When Atlanta’s own Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about the beloved community – “a world in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth”143 – he always acknowledged that making it a reality would require an all-in approach to reform our economic, social, and political systems. This acknowledgement is the inspiration for developing a framework focused on building Black wealth. Taken together, this report, its data, stories, and recommendations serve as a tool that can address the role these converging systems play in limiting opportunities for all Atlantans to thrive. And given its legacy of the racial and economic justice movement, a beautiful tapestry of creative Black brilliance, and an enduring spirit of hope that lives within Black Atlantans, no other city is better positioned to serve as the nation’s model for building the beloved community like Atlanta.


This report and the dissemination of the report’s findings was made possible by the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the authors.

We thank Tommy Pearce and Nikolai Elneser of Neighborhood Nexus and Anum Ali Mohammed of Cause Impacts for providing expert data collection, analysis, and advisory support for the data presented in this report.

We would also like to thank Dr. Michelle Holder, Urban Institute One Million Black Women Research Partnership Scholar and CUNY John Jay College Associate Professor of Economics for her preliminary review of the report. We must also thank Amit Khanduri of the Georgia Resilience and Opportunity (GRO) fund for thoughtful feedback on the report’s recommendations.

Thanks also to Victoria Johnson and Dr. Janelle Williams who edited the report. Thank you to Darren Martin, Ahmad Barber, and Garrick Ewers of Streamlined Media and Communications for the design of this report.

Opinions expressed in AWBI publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff, officers, or board members of the Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative or of the organizations that support AWBI and its research.


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